The Spruce Grove Fire Fighters Rooftop Campout for Muscular Dystrophy is an annual event organized by the dedicated firefighters of Spruce Grove. The initiative aims to raise awareness and funds for individuals and families affected by muscular dystrophy.
Windspeaker Radio Network spoke with Darren Douglas, lieutenant with the Spruce Grove Fire Services as he says the goal to raise this year is 20 thousand dollars, along with being in several grocery stores and a local hockey game in Spruce Grove.
Douglas speaks on the history of the purpose of the Rooftop Campout, and how the funds raised will help out those in need with Muscular Dystrophy within the community.
Spruce Grove Mayor Jeff Acker says it warms hearts when people see what the firefighters are doing by bringing the community together to raise money towards a great cause.
Mayor Acker goes on to say that he believes that the firefighters will hit there goal in raising 20 thousand dollars this year with the help from the Spruce Grove community.