Thanks for your interest in airplay on CFWE, Alberta’s Best Country.
Please read the following guidelines carefully regarding the submission of your music content. Before you submit, please ensure that your song fits a genre of music for one of radio stations
- All submitted music will be checked for quality
- Cancon is given priority for airplay on all Windspeaker Media radio stations
- Music that is deemed inappropriate will not be given airplay. A key consideration when submitting your song is to provide a radio edit. This may mean censoring any swearing on the track, and it may mean adjusting the track to ensure it isn’t too long (3-4 Minutes Max)
- Only MP3 or WAV tracks will be accepted. Links sent to download from Spotify, YouTube, I-tunes, or any other streaming site, will be ignored. (With exception to DMDS, Dropbox and/or Play MPE Service)
- Cover songs will not be given any consideration for airplay. No exceptions.
- Provide a short bio – a couple of facts about yourself.
- Once you submit your song, it will be reviewed by the Music Department. We will give it a listen and see if the recording fits in the format for our radio stations.
- CFWE has the right to refuse submissions from artists or bands if sound quality does not meet our expectations.
- Please keep in mind that we receive many submissions, so sometimes it can take a bit before a release is reviewed. It will not be reviewed the same day that you send it.
- Please do not send more than two tracks for review.
- When the music department reviews your submission, and if we accept it for airplay, we will notify you via email.
Please submit your music with a short bio via email to:
No Phone Calls Please!