The Alberta legislature in Edmonton THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson
The Alberta government is implementing a new ankle monitoring program focused on repeat offenders.
Through the program, offenders and accused who pose a public safety risk may be subject to 24-7 court-ordered electronic monitoring by Alberta Correctional Services.
“Ottawa’s Bill C-75 has broken the bail system. We are taking an important step toward combating rising crime. High-risk offenders pose a significant risk to public safety and require enhanced supervision in the community,” said Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services in a press release.
Previously, supervision took place during regular business hours and did not include GPS monitoring bracelets.
“As government, it’s our duty to protect Albertans and their communities. Ankle bracelet electronic monitoring is another tool in the toolbox for courts to consider when determining sentencing or bail conditions, helping us combat rising crime and create safer Alberta communities,” Ellis said.
$2.8 million will cover the implementation costs of the program for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
SCRAM Systems will be the technology provider for the program after securing the contract through an open procurement process with an estimated end date of March 31, 2029.
The province stated anyone under court-ordered monitoring will be made aware of the program’s requirements as well as their location being tracked.