Quikcard Edmonton Minor Hockey Week Logo (Photo Credits - Daniel Barker-Tremblay)
The Quikcard Edmonton Minor Hockey Week kicks off inside Rogers Place. The tournament is set for January 10-19, and 10,000+ players and 688 teams will compete across 24 arenas. There will be 914 games played over the nine dates.
Kylee Quinn, Hockey Edmonton’s Marketing and Communications Director spoke with CFWE, saying that the event has the feel of the Stanley Cup amongst the players in Minor Hockey over the 61 years.
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Kylee Quinn, Hockey Edmonton’s Marketing and Communications Director speaking at the kickoff event in Rogers Place (Photo Credits – Daniel Barker-Tremblay)
Quinn highlights the magnitude of this year’s Edmonton Minor Hockey Week, with it being one of the largest and longest running ice hockey tournaments in the world.
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Quinn speaks on the Wayne Gretzky Recreation Hockey Awards that are given to three players that are leaders and role models both on and off the ice and making impacts within their communities.
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Wayne Gretzky Recreation Hockey Awards receipts Tyler Crossen (Left) Brady Park (Middle) and Aryan Kahera (Right)
Wayne Gretzky Recreation Hockey Awards receipts Tyler Crossen and Aryan Kahera say they are honored and humbled to be the recipents of the award.
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