The city of Leduc will forward a letter to the province asking to reduce the speed limit of Highway 2 between it’s municipal boundaries.
The seven member council voted unanimously at it’s meeting on Monday in favour of proposing the lower speed limit to Alberta’s transportation ministry from 110km/h to 80km/h.
The city’s traffic advisory recommended the speed limit reduction on the highway Avenue interchange construction project. Right now the speed limit between Edmonton and Calgary is 110 km/h from Edmonton’s Ellerslie Road on the north end to Calgary’s Beddington Trail in Treaty 7.
Mayor of Leduc Bob Young joined the Windspeaker Radio Network to discuss the possible speed limit change and mentioned the stretch of highway within the municipality.
The city has taken looks at the cost of grounding the ramp to increase safety measures, but the process would cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars. Mayor Young mapped out where the speed limits would change.
When asked what his message would be to the drivers who think the speed limit decrease would cause more problems than good Mayor Young said ” I think anybody would be okay taking two minutes longer on their trip if it meant saving someone’s life”.