National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Muskoseepi Park in the City of Grande Prairie (Photo Credits - Daniel Barker-Tremblay)
Many citizens from the city of Grande Prairie gathered in Muskoseepi Park to refelct and pay their respects to the many children who where lost and the survivors of Residential School on Orange Shirt Day.
Shauna Livesuy, Chair of the National Truth and Reconciliation in Grande Prairie spoke with Windspeaker Radio Network about the gathering in Muskoseepi Park, calling it a time of healing within the community.
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Shauna Livesuy, Chair of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Grande Prairie at the Orange Shirt Day in Muskoseepi Park (Photo Credits – Daniel Barker-Tremblay)
From seeing community members gather in orange shirts, to the showcasing of Indigenous culture, dance, and music, Livesuy says that it’s a symbol of connection.
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Drum circle group singing in Muskoseepi Park for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Grande Prairie (Photo Credits – Daniel Barker-Tremblay)
Livesuy goes on to say that reconciliation isn’t just for Indigenous people, that it’s meant for everyone, along with connecting with one another and speaking up, and educating on the importance of Orange Shirt Day.
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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Grande Prairie Photos: