An LRT waiting at a station platform in Edmonton (File photo)
A 67-year old chilean woman who was visiting family in Edmonton was attacked on the LRT on Saturday.
Iris Pino Ortega and her sisters were taking the LRT from Southgate station to and travelling Northbound towards downtown when a man attacked her as the train left the Government Centre station.
The senior was punched and rendered unconscious in the random attack.
ETS employees called 911 and requested police and ambulance assitance while the woman was unconconsious.
The attacker then fled as the train arroved at Corona station.
Pino Ortega’s sister was about to chase the attacker but was then deterred by bystanders , whjo cited that the attacker may have a weapon,
Transit staff, police officers and witnesses all helped attend to the senior on scene.
The senior said that she would never ride the LRT again, when asked and also says she has had difficulty sleeping and experiences nightmares since the attack.
Mayor Amarjeet Sohi said the city is increasing enforcement to try and combat the problem of random attacks, also adding that these type of assaults can be damaging to the Edmontons reputatation.
The family has requested that ETS release the surveillance video of his aunt’s attack, so others can see what is happening on transit with their own eyes, and come together to improve safety and prevent these sort of attacks.
Edmonton transit branch manager Carrie Hotton-MacDonald issued a statement saying, “The City has more around-the-clock presence from Edmonton Police Service in our stations, coordinated with Transit Peace Officers (TPOs). The City now has 93 TPOs, up from 72 in December 2022.”
The statment also added that there’s police, security guards and 4,000 surveillance cameras.
The Edmonton Police Service said it is investigating but has not made any arrests.
More on this storry as it becomes available.