May 11 is Moosehide Campaign Day.
The Moose Hide Campaign recognizes that all forms of violence are unacceptable, regardless of gender. We see the disproportionate number of women who are victims and the importance of engaging men and boys in addressing this issue. We also know that “shame and blame” isn’t the answer.
Did you know?
- Every year there are over 60,000 physical or sexual assaults against women in BC – more than 1,000 per week
- One in three women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime (Stats Canada, 2006)
- In 2014 there was a daily average of 7,969 women and children staying in shelters across Canada because it was not safe at home (Statistics Canada)
- There were 1,181 cases of missing or murdered Aboriginal women in Canada between 1980 and 2012, according to the RCMP, with BC recording more than any other province (Native Women’s Association of Canada, 2010). However, according to grassroots organizations the number is much higher, closer to 4,000
- Domestic violence is preventable.
Bill chats with Raven Lacerte , Co-Founder about this great initiative..
Raven Lacerte is a proud member of the Lake Babine First Nation and belongs to the Grizzly Bear Clan. She is a co-founder and ambassador for the campaign and also leads outreach to Indigenous communities.
For more information on Moosehide Day Campaign or to find out how you can donate , visit https://moosehidecampaign.ca