'True Canadians: Forgotten Nevermore' book on display. Photo from Metis Nation of Alberta
The authors of a new book on Métis reconciliation are bringing their nationwide tour to Alberta, with stops in both Edmonton and Calgary.
Published by the Métis Nation of Alberta, The True Canadians: Forgotten Nevermore is written by former journalists Patricia Russell and David Wylynko. The book chronicles the challenges and achievements of the Métis since their rights were recognized in the Constitution Act, 1982.
Windspeaker Radio Network spoke with co-author Patricia Russell about the book tour, saying that her and David Wylynko are very excited to visit in their stops across the province.
Audio PlayerRussel talks about the positive response from Métis Nation of Alberta members, and meeting the demand by getting a second print of the books.
Audio PlayerRussel talks about the testament behind the book both her and Wylynko published, saying that the intention is to highlight and tell the story of the Métis Nation of Alberta’s stride towards self government.
Audio Player
The book tour events are scheduled at Audreys Books in Edmonton on April 19 and Owl’s Nest Books in Calgary on April 21. Both events begin at 7 pm and all are welcome to attend.